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Tall Oaks Homeowners Association


Kathy Donahue, President

Lori Haluska, Vice President

Jane Bailey-Zaeske, Secretary
Sue Donlon, Treasurer
Debbie Sprake, Activities                                 

Our Community

Who We Are

Our Tall Oaks community is rapidly growing and in response our Association is expanding our communication with our newly designed website.  Our website is being designed to enable our residents and members to keep abreast of current happenings and important information easily from your cell phone, tablet or other device, no matter where you are

The site will provide our members with a searchable member directory, an event & activity calendar, registration capabilities, membership renewal, neighborhood discussion and blogs to share your constructive thoughts on how we could improve our community.  There will also be a section where all members can find information and documents, including access to all Association governing documents, meeting minutes, treasury reports and more.

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